
All Ad Fraud Data Now Available in One Dashboard

Accessing fraud data in MyTracker has now become even easier: just go to Dashboards and view key fraud metrics for all partners and platforms.

This means that you no longer need to use the Report Builder and add your own metrics to view Fraud Scanner data. You can now quickly access all main fraud reports through Dashboards.

The new dashboard contains the following reports:

Visit our blog to learn more about fraud and the metrics used to identify it. Now let’s take a closer look at each Fraud Scanner report on the Dashboard.

Fraud metrics

A big-picture view of fraud in your app.

If you see any metric peaking, go to "Combined metrics" and check whether it has been flagged for fraud.

fraud metrics report

Combined metrics

Shows exactly which metrics have an increase in fraud.

For example, if the soft fraud metric looks suspicious, you may see it is associated with Low CR. Go to the Report Builder to drill down to the respective partner and the fraudulent placement.

combined fraud report

Fraud types

Helps you identify the fraud type – hardware, click or in-app.

For example, traffic coming from bots is usually detected across several hardware metrics.

To learn more about hardware, click and in-app metrics, read our article.

fraud types report

Fraud breakdown by partner and source

Tracks partners with the highest levels of fraud, both compared to other partners and in absolute terms. To scrutinize the flagged partner, go to the Report Builder.

For example, if you see that Partner 1 generates 50% of fraud in the app, you can filter the Dashboard data by this partner only and review all the subsections.

fraud by partner

When you see an anomaly, you can go right into the Report Builder and add extra dimensions and filters to collect maximum data on potential fraudulent traffic and present it to your ad partner.

How do I access the fraud dashboard in MyTracker?

To access the dashboard, go to Reports → Dashboard → Fraud Scanner. If you’re not yet registered, signing up for MyTracker is easy: just fill in our sign-up form.

Метки: ad fraud
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