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Product analytics for mobile apps and websites

Analyze user behavior, engage and retain audiences, and find bottlenecks and growth points to monetize your product.

Get valuable insights about user behavior

User journey visualization
Explore user journeys for your product, analyze UX, identify common behavior patterns, and reduce churn before purchase and other key events.
Product funnel analysis
Identify underperforming stages where you lose potential buyers. Increase stage-to-stage conversion and export user segments for retargeting.
Insights, segments, audiences
Analyze the interests of your users. Have your audience grouped by a wide range of parameters to be sent to ad networks for targeting by segment.
Retention and churn forecast
Find out what changes on your website and in your app affect user retention and traffic. Identify campaigns that attract more engaged users, and reallocate your budget accordingly.
The advantage of MyTracker is that it can be used for both websites and mobile apps. Unlike most analytics systems, MyTracker provides enriched statistics based on its own data (social demographics, employment, interests, education).
Andrey Chekhlov
Head of Analytics at Sravni.ru
Among the multitude of mobile analytics services, MyTracker is a standout for me.
It offers easy onboarding and implementation along with a variety of reports that I can customize to fit my specific needs.
With its built-in integrations, MyTracker has helped me streamline partner traffic management. I can see great potential in our collaboration.
Artur Demkin
Chief Marketing Officer at AM Capital
MyTracker is a highly user-friendly and advanced analytics service. Its deep links and technical capabilities surpass the solutions offered by the market’s key players.
A crucial competitive advantage for our company is the quality of technical support: they always provide fast and effective assistance.
Ivan Tkachuk
Head of Digital at FoodBand
We chose MyTracker to cooperate with a CPA agency as we realized that the existing analytics system failed to identify fraud traffic. MyTracker brought us direct cost savings and lower CAC.
Konstantin Novikov
E-commerce Product Manager at Yobidoyobi
I am happy to be working with MyTracker. Their support team are always there to help and handle my questions quickly and effectively.

The system itself is quite easy to manage and integrate, and the number of reports available is simply stunning. You can build customized reports, which is precisely what I need for my tasks.

Integration with MyTracker makes CPA management that much easier for partners. It’s great that MyTracker works with both websites and mobile apps. Audience analysis is the feature I like best as it gives you detailed statistics based on sociodemographic parameters, job, interests, and education of your users. This is extremely valuable information that very few competitors can provide.

MyTracker’s Fraud Scanner is ahead of most of the competition thanks to its high precision in fraud detection. The tool has many helpful functions such as history of sales and assessment of user behavior. All this reduces the likelihood of fraud and makes cooperation with partners much more transparent.
Denis Fedin
Digital Marketing Specialist, Lady & Gentleman CITY
Get started once a tag is set up for your website or SDK enabled for your app
Collection of basic events For websites: 11 events are collected without modifying the code or taking any other additional actions.
For mobile apps: the first and subsequent launch events are collected immediately after SDK integration.
Quick website installation Use integrations with popular CMS platforms to quickly install the code on all website pages and send key events without engaging developers.
User-level analytics Analyze LTV and other user metrics even if product interaction takes place on multiple devices.
Data exports Export data to enrich your CRM systems using the interface or API.
The online space has no boundaries – and neither does your business.
Analyze and scale up your performance with MyTracker.