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Mobile app analytics

Optimize ad campaigns, track user behavior, and analyze revenue streams by source
Gain actionable insights into your app's performance
Alternative app store coverage Unleash the power of MyTracker’s analytics, catering to apps both on RuStore and alternative app stores.
User-level analytics Analyze user LTV and other metrics across multiple platforms, gaining a holistic view of your audience.
Audiences Segment users based on advanced attributes, and automatically upload user segments to advertising platforms.
Anti-fraud Protect yourself from ad fraud, protecting the accuracy of campaign performance metrics — and your budget.

Empower your business with data-driven insights

The advantage of MyTracker is that it can be used for both websites and mobile apps. Unlike most analytics systems, MyTracker provides enriched statistics based on its own data (social demographics, employment, interests, education).
Andrey Chekhlov
Head of Analytics at Sravni.ru

Accurate analytics for confident decisions

Raw data
Indefinite storage for any amount of raw data that can be exported using the API or interface.
Revenue tracking by type
Analyze revenue from in-app payments, subscriptions, and ad monetization in one window.
Post-click and post-view attribution
Analyze ad performance using multiple attribution models.
SDK support for iOS, Android, Unity Ads, Flutter, and alternative app stores
ios, Android, Unity Ads, Flutter,
RuStore, Google Play, App Store, AppGallery
Integration with advertising platforms like VK Ads
VK Ads, Google Ads, Yandex Direct
ironSource, AppLovin, Unity Ads, AppleSearchAds, Appnext, Liftoff, Moloco, BigoAds, Mintegral
MyTracker offers seamless convenience
All the essentials for free
All of MyTracker's key features are available for free — no credit card or contract signing required.

Analyze traffic, revenue, and user behavior on your website upon connection.
Swift support
Our technical support team swiftly answers queries and aids you in the setup process, including switching from other analytics system.

We also offer post-integration assistance and educational webinars.
In-depth user documentation
Our detailed technical documentation is available for self-service setup and troubleshooting.

With intuitive structure, interface screenshots, code examples, and smart search functionality, it will guide you all the way from integration to event configuration.
Convenient ways to get in touch
You can reach out to us via Telegram, email, or the chat widget on tracker.my.com.
Empower your business with data-driven insights
Unlock confident decision-making by leveraging precise analytics and eliminating guesswork.