
Segment and raw data export for Fraud Scanner

In 2021, the advertising spending on app installs amounted to USD 96.5 bn. Of these, 12% of installs on Android and 7% of installs on iOS showed indications of fraud. Over USD 18 bn ended up in the pockets of fraudsters, however MyTracker has now made it easier to recover at least some of the money lost.

Give your ad partners a clear picture on install fraud

However sophisticated anti-fraud solutions get, fraudsters find new ways of getting their hands on ad budgets. This does not mean you have to pay for it – if you prove that some of the installs were fraudulent, the partner may give you money back.

In a situation like that, partners would normally request the ad IDs of fraudulent users for additional verification. To make the process simpler, we have added an option to export the segments with fraudulent installs and respective device IDs.

Segmentation can be based on any fraud indicator or a combination of several indicators. You can create a segment covering the entire traffic from the ad partner or the select ad campaign only.

To export a fraudulent audience segment, go to the Reports tab in the Segments section.

Compare data from MyTracker and other systems to move to a new level of fraud analytics

With an option to export segments showing fraud installs, MyTracker users will get a better view of fraudulent activities in their apps. The data will help identify the subID or the country from which fraudsters enter, and disable them in the ad account.

The exported segments with IDs can be compared to data from other sources to provide an insight into the behavior and the profile of a fraudulent user.
Go ahead and export segments with fraud installs to gather sound evidence for your ad partners today!

标签: raw data ad fraud
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