
Two Months with iOS 14.5+ Globally: Figures, Issues, and Solutions

Last month we published the global data on iOS 14.5+ for the first month since its release.

We have now gathered the second month's data, and it's rather surprising: to learn more about the percentage of upgraded devices and the growing Opt-in Rate in the world’s largest countries, check out our infographic.

global IDFA and iOS 14.5+ adoptions rates month 2

Month-to-month Opt-in Rate Comparison

Let's compare the figures to those from one month ago.

Percentage of devices upgraded to iOS 14.5+ around the globe

Month 1, Adoption Rate – 14.8%

Month 2, Adoption Rate – 56.7%

Percentage of iOS 14.5+ users who gave tracking permissions to apps

CountryOpt-in Rate, Month 1Opt-in Rate, Month 2
United Kingdom19.3%26.1%
Saudi Arabia22.2%24.7%
United States19.2%24.1%

What Else is There to Know about ATT in iOS 14.5+

Apple’s new announcements on iOS15 at WWDC:

iOS 15 app privacy
Source: https://www.apple.com/newsroom

Known iOS 14.5+ Issues

How to Be Strategic About Attribution post-iOS 14.5+

→ Use both SKAdNetwork and IDFA when buying traffic.

→ Gather only key data for your product and play around with conversion settings when sending the Conversion Value.

→ Set up the ATT consent screen, your most powerful tool to make a difference. There is an article on our blog telling how to set up the pre-prompt screen correctly, with recommendations and real app examples.

→ Ensure smooth organic traffic by optimizing the app page in the stores and updating the content more frequently.

→ Use predictive analytics.

Still have questions about iOS 14.+? Check out the 10 most popular questions about iOS 14.5+

To keep your attribution confidential and accurate under ATT, work with iOS 14.5 together with MyTracker.

标签: attribution iOS 14.5+
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